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A slow journey up Parramatta River


Our launch project is up and running in Parramatta Square. 

Originally designed as a public space activation in Parramatta Square, we began our journey online, while social distancing impacts how we use public spaces.  We're now up and running in Parramatta Square from October 2020. 

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Supported by the City of Parramatta.

There's something about Parramatta.


This place, named after the original inhabitants the Burramattagal people, is a place of gathering since time began. A place where where the river meets the saltwater. A place where 'eels lie down'; where the Dharug people first traded with Europeans, exchanging fish for salt beef and bread.


A place where traditional methods of fire-based land management by the Barramattagal created a landscape that looked almost European. Where recent British arrivals saw fit to establish the seat of colonial rule.


A place where British systems of governance were enforced, often cruelly; where ancient trees continue to grow; where traces of different times continue to be unearthed.  A place that is a fast growing metropolitan centre - the CBD of Sydney's 'Central City' - in a fast growing region.  


As put by Meihua Gong, who was Parramatta's 2015 Citizen of the Year: 




Collectively, we share a firm responsibility to shape the ever-evolving narratives of Parramatta’s unique cultural story.   

We know there is not one story about Parramatta. In fact, its the incredible diversity of stories here that led us to approach the City of Parramatta to launch our first STORYBOX project. 


Our Parramatta Partners
STORYBOX PARRAMATTA is a partnership project led by digital placemaking studio ESEM Projects, with support from the City of Parramatta. We're thrilled to be supported by the ABC Content Ideas Lab as our anchor content partner, along with Western Sydney University and Story Factory


We invite contributions from emerging writers, video artists and makers, photographers and film makers. Check out the different options for contributing below. 


Precinct Partner Statement 


11 May 2020 



The City of Parramatta is pleased to be working proud to partner on the delivery of on the Storybox initiative.


Storybox brings a unique approach to building digital engagement tools and storytelling in public spaces.  While social distancing measures mean Storybox is launching initially as an online platform and resource, we are looking forward to the digital activation in the recently completed Stage 1 of the Parramatta Square public domain, hopefully later in the year.


Storybox provides a new opportunity for people to discover some special and interesting stories about Parramatta - its history, it's its people and its future. 


Storybox is produced by Esem Projects together with key partners in partnership with the City of Parramatta, the ABC Ideas Lab, Western Sydney University and Story Factory. 



CoP Statement



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We'll be in touch soon.

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